Thursday, July 14, 2011

Want some scraps?

If you know the secret of how to get out of Target without spending $65, please let me know.  I went in tonight for a piece of white poster board.  A sheet of white poster board is 29¢.  So, how did I end up with $64.71 of other stuff in my basket!?  I have no idea how Target manages to wile me into spending, but whatever their tactic, it seems to be working for them.

Anyway, I bought these plastic drawer bins to sort my scraps into.  They are on "sale" for $10 this week.  I think the regular price is $10.99, so the savings is essentially insignificant, but they managed to lure me in with that little red "sale" sign.

So rather than working or preparing the post I've needed to get done for the last two weeks, I've been sitting on the floor sorting scraps.  I've come to the conclusion that I have too many scraps and I'm sick of looking at many of the scraps I have.  I don't want to see some of these fabrics in one more quilt.  Ever. When I finish sorting, I think I'll force what's left into one of those medium priority rate boxes and send it to one of my sweet blog followers who could use and appreciate some well-loved scraps that have lived out their useful life in my sewing room.

Interested parties must be open to wrinkles, strings, general wonkiness, slivers, trimmings, and selvedges.  There are failed quilt blocks in there along with some apparel fabric trimmings.  Some of it's been washed but most of it hasn't.  My house is non-smoking, but we do have a dog.  A big, black Doberman.  He's not allowed in the sewing room, but I can't promise you won't find a stray hair. Don't get the wrong idea though, these scraps are by no means covered in dog hair, but if you are allergic to Dobermans, this might not be the scrap box for you.

So, I'm going to get back to sorting and if you are a follower of my blog and you live in the good 'ol USA, leave me a comment and let me know you are interested.  When I finish sorting (or in a couple of days, whichever comes first), I'll pick a random follower to send a box well-loved scrappy stuff.

One more disclaimer.  I'm not finished sorting, so I have no idea if you'll get what's pictured above, but I'm not going to mail a box of trash.  I promise.


Michele said...

am i first?!?!?!? I've never been first to comment on a post ever!!!
seriously love your blog - very inspiring. Would love to give the scraps a home - they wouldn't have many neighbors as my stash is small but they would be well loved. thansk for the chance.

Jorie said...

Awww that is sweet of you to share your scraps! I am in dire need of sorting mine, and have been keeping my eye out for a sale on those plastic bin thingies too

cherie godbey said...

LOVE scraps! And yours look fantastic! I would love to have some! :)

Greta said...

I know what you mean about Target or any store like it...I usually go in with a list of five things and leave with fifty showing up on my list!

I also LOVE scraps! I am forever trying to make things with scraps for my kids! My latest thing might turn into Barbie and doll clothing for the girls to use with their dolls. Who knows! It is always something new! Thanks for the chance to win some of your "extras"!


Catskill Quilter said...

Scraps are wonderful -- especially someone else's scraps! I am a new follower!

Megan said...

Scraps are my fave! And I know what you mean about places like Target - there must be some sort of hypnotic state that they induce.

Karen said...

I'd love some scraps! It'd be fun to see what's in someone else's stash!

Andrea said...

that hurts! I'm from Argentina and could use

Lisa E said...

I love Target also. And I really could use some scraps. Thanks for sharing. (I am a follower.)

Annette said...

Scraps are the best...even small ones. I love and use them all. It looks like you have a great sorting system going. It will be worth the dollars spent at Target for sure.

hueisei said...

Awww.. I am so so so willing to take the scraps off from your hand.. So sad i am not from USA...

Wendy said...

What a generous gesture to those of us who follow your blog......I would love to have some of those wonderful scraps and would give them a good home.......

zigomar said...

Scraps are the best stuff ! But Im in France ...

Liane said...

Target is a dangerous place! I would love some scraps, thanks you!

lsumida at yahoo dot com

The One and Only said...

Um, hello...interested party RIGHT HERE!!

Ginger said...

Oh Melanie, please consider me for some of your scraps! I would love to know they came from you! Thanks for the chance!
Ginger in Abilene

Unknown said...

I've love some scraps!

Mrs. Sew and Sew - Karen said...

I would love to have your well loved scraps. I have been using alot of scraps lately and would love to use some of yours! I have been a follower for awhile now! Thank you. Karen

Lindsay said...

I adore scraps. My key to Target is to make a beeline for what I need and then run to the register before I can see any sale signs, i am a sucker for sale signs.

Reba said...

I am a follower! And yes mam, I would love your scraps. Your blog is very inspiring.

Linda M

Isisjem said...

I love scraps. I am a follower. But sadly in the UK. It does look an enticing mix of scrappiness it would be fun to see what the winner does with them

23rdspiral said...

those storage boxes look great! i'd love to win your scraps as i really need a push to finish my Hexi quilt, but sadly live in the UK. no wait, i love living here, but sadly it meas i cant enter the comp!

yorkie mom said...

Would LOVE your scraps!!

Shannon said...

I would love to give your scraps a new home! I think scrap packs might be my favorite way to acquire fabric! (Especially now that the Farmer's Wife has lured me in!)

stitchinpenny said...

Scraps - someone else's idea of color fun, my idea of great!

Jackie's Stitches said...

I'm interested!!!

As far as the Target question, I have no idea. I think the answer would be similar to the How do I get out of Costco for less than $200 question.

Jessica said...

Thanks for sharing the scrap love!

Nydia Kehnle said...

I would love some well loved scraps... Thanks so much.

Donna said...

I just know those scraps would be happy in Florida. Should I find a stray dog hair I would naturally assume it was black cat hair! Happy quilting!

Barbara said...

I would love to help you out with your scrap "problem!" I would give them a nice, loving home and tuck them in every night...well, not really, but I'd put them to good use!

I wish I could help you out with your Target problem, but it seems to be one we share in common.

Jennifer Mathis of Ellison Lane said...

Oh yes, I have the same problem at Target - such a time suckage (as in I can't get out of there under an hour) and it always does a number on my wallet!

I would be thrilled with your scraps and I'm a happy follower too. xo

Elena said...

Yay, thanks Melanie! I'd love a chance at some cute scraps!

Unknown said...

I love scraps! I am starting a scrappy rainbow quilt-a-long this week...I would love them! :)

Jamie @Terrabyte Farm said...

Did you say scraps? I LOVE scraps. I would be more than happy to take a few of these off of your hands. I had a similar experience last night at target, except my total ended up being slightly more than double yours. What did I need? A few t-shirts and a b-day gift for my big boy. Sheesh, it adds up fast! Happy sorting!

tammikins said...

That would be so wonderful! I so admire your work and am so happy for you as a fabric designer as I hope I'll get that chance, too!

Sasha said...

hahaha!! I was going to go to Target today and pick up some of those bins. I can't seem to leave there without spending $100. I don't know why!! And they are opening a new one in a couple of weeks that will only be 5 minutes from our house!!! Have fun organizing =D I would love a chance for the scraps that don't make it to the bins =D

Pumpkinmama said...

Hooray for scraps. I'd love them, that way I can go to target to get new bins for all my new scraps and come back with 10 other things I "need" too - ha!

Corinnea said...

I was just lamenting the fact that I have no more fabric for my hexagon quilt, so would love a bit of your scraps! Thanks for thinking of us!

June said...

I would love to have some of your scraps. I do promise to give them a good home and make them feel & look pretty... June (

Mommarock said...

Oh this would be a true blessing! I would be delighted to win some of your scraps. I'm hoping to make an I Spy/ Match game quilt for my grandchildren, and this would be a beautiful addition!

epban said...

I love scraps more than yardage! My secret to not overspending in Target - I don't go in very often!!

Jenn said...

I would love some scraps! I haven't been sewing for very long, and recently tried to make a quilt that called for scrap size pieces of fabric, and I had to go buy some to have enough!
And yes, Target has their evil ways!

Laura said...

I would love a box of your scraps! i love looking at all of them :)

and i live in texas too! (so it won't have to go far)

Lindsay Conner said...

Would love to take some scraps off your hands! I certainly don't mind a doberman hair. :) Also, I just started printing coupons off the Target website--makes me feel less bad about shopping trips there.

Jane said...

I would love some scraps to do a string quilt but since I'm somewhat new to quilting, I don't have so much scrap fabric yet.

Elizabeth said...

I'd love your bits and pieces -- going to start a Farmer's Wife sampler and I'd appreciate some scraps to mix in.

Jenny said...

i love scraps...especially someone elses...scraps that i havent looked at 6 times already trying to figure out what to do with them...again! in fact, i have started cutting my scraps into squares...2.5 or 4 or 5...whichever works best...and you know what? its been therapeutic for me! listening to books on cd, late at night, unwinding from the day. yep, id love your scraps!

Kimie said...

I love scraps and don't have nearly enough. I'd be more than happy to take some off your hands!

Anonymous said...

i find having my kids with me in target makes me spend more. im in a hurry because they are whinning and asking for everything but 2 hrs later i have a basket full of who knows what. every time. btw, id love some scraps. :D

Caitlin said...

I would adore your scraps! :) I can't get out of Target or Walmart without spending exponnentially more than I intend to. I recently sorted my scrap box (which wasn't that enormous) and have been looking into something similar to what you've got now for sorting. Haven't purchased anything yet. So for now, I've just got my color-sorted piles littering my sewing room floor... If I was lucky enough to receive your scraps, I would utilize them (firstly) when I begin my Bottled Rainbows blocks. I've only been quilting for just over a year, and my scrap selection/stash isn't quite as extensive yet, as many wonderful bloggers I follow :)

Cheryl Arkison said...

Would you be willing to send your neutral scraps to Canada? I've got a neutrals project on the go and could use more scraps.

Jacey said...

Scraps are always fun! I would love to win a box of yours. And yes, Target has special powers. It happens to me often. Thanks for sharing your scrap stash!

Breakfast With the Bennetts said...

I have a lovely big glass jar thing that I keep all my scraps in. That way they are art. I would love to have some of yours to add to my art.

I'm trying to save up enough for a scrap quilt. Wouldn't that be fun for a new quilter. lol

Four dogs and one quilter said...

Would love to add your scraps to my hexagon charm quilt. Who doesn't love scraps!

Itsy Bitsy Snippets said...

I am a new follower and I would love your scraps. I am also new to quilting so I don't have the problem of sorting scraps since I don't have any. Thanks for all of the information and inspiration you provide.

April said...

I can honestly say that I never get sick of my scraps. I love scraps and I am constantly working them into other quilts! I love knowing where the rest of the fabric went and who is enjoying that quilt now. I've been cleaning though too, and I'm glad I'm almost finished! Enjoy your organized stash once you're done!

Ed and Lori G said...

I JUST finished sorting my scraps too!!! What a project. Do I want more scraps? DEFINITELY! Thanks for the chance to win. I just found your blog a few weeks ago and as a result I've started making hexigons....I've made two Farmer's Wife blocks.....and Texas Freckles is now a regular stop I make each morning. Thank you so much for the inspiration.

Greta said...

Pick me! Pick Me!

As for Target the secret is this: You wear really dark sunglasses and whatever you do don't take them off. I also find wearing pants with pockets to be effective. You put your hands in your pockets before entering the store and then you are only allowed to remove them to put items on your prewritten list into the basket. Having a list helps but it has to be specific or you will falter. Oh and my last tidbit, don't ever under any circumstances get a cart unless you have to have it. It will be full before you know it.

audrey said...

Awesome giveaway! These would be great for my hexies and farmers wife!

kelly lautenbach said...

How cute are you? The secret to getting out of Target for under $65 is to... never go in. Hard, eh? :) Hope your sorting goes well. Maybe I'll sort mine too and I'll put your "new" scraps in my pile and send my "old to me" scraps to someone else... ;)

Tracey said...

Target is a financial death trap! Next time get the poster board at the drugstore - not nearly the temptations there.

If your scrap box finds its way to me: I don't mind wrinkles, strings or wonkiness. I heart selvedges. Dog hair is a part of my life, I'd never notice a few more.

Thanks for sharing!

Natalie said...

I'm totally interested in your scraps! My guild uses donated scrap fabric to make charity quilts so I promise if you send me some they will be put to great use!

Jo said...

Sweet of you for thinking about us. My hubby was layed off = no major fabric purchases for me. So I would love a tiny eencie weencie bit of anything to stave off withdrawls. Laughing out loud.. jo

Anonymous said...

I'd give 'em a happy home for sure!!

9patchnurse said...

Good luck with the sorting! I don't need any scraps thank you. In fact, I am about to post something quite similar on my blog. I can't believe how big my scrap pile has gotten. You can send anyone my way who wants scraps, lol. Btw, I can't get out of Target without spending close to $100 most times so I just try not to go often, lol.

Jodi-JoJoMia's Place said...

I would love some of your scraps. I am working on a scrappy hexie quilt and it would be fun to add some totally new scraps to the mix. Thanks for the chance!

Michelle McCray said...

Scraps are my favorite!

Leigh Ann said...

Oh, I love scraps!! I would be so glad to have your unwanted scraps! Thanks for the opportunity.

Tamie said...

I would love some of your scraps. You know what they say- one woman's "trash" is another woman's treasure.

jennspen said...

Melanie I would love a chance at some of your scraps. I am in a string quilt bee right now that is using personal scraps!! Thank you for the chance!

Candace McClintick said...

ooo!! pick me! me!!

Ella said...

I'd love scraps. And Target shopping is like crack...utterly addictive.

Lauren Phelps said...

Cool!! I love Target too! (and scraps!)

Jerri said...

Ooh, I think I need some of those plastic drawers...I'm just not sure what size.

emma said...

ha ha ha! at least i'm not the only one!

Anonymous said...

Scraps please. Thanks.


Melissa L said...

I would love the scraps. I am just starting my scraps bins and they are quite empty. :-)

Meg said...

I am more than happy to give a good, loving and useful home to your scraps!

Beth said...

I could certainly use some new scraps!

Jennifer said...

Always interested in great scraps!! Thanks

Linda said...

Just look at how many of us are interested in the scraps from your workroom!! I am too. I applique, so scraps really come in handy for me!

Chancy said...

I would love those scraps! Thanks for clearing stuff out!

chancyf (at) gmail (d0t) com

Quilt Doodle Designs said...

I love scraps, a quilt out of scraps is so much fun! Never know how it will turn out, but it always turns out beautiful!

Becky said...

I love scraps! Would love to use your scraps in my next quits!

natalysneedle said...

Would love to get my hand on those fabric scraps! Count me in please!

Anonymous said...

Woo! I love scraps! I make buttons from all sorts of fabric, and I'm starting to get secondhand fabrics to repurpose for, well, my own purposes ;)

Char said...

I make scrap quilts.I love scraps, no scrap is too small.

Jennifer said...

Um, yes please. I love scraps!

Mary said...

I would love, love, love to have your scraps! Congrats on getting your fabric organized. I have a lot of projects I like to make using scraps and would be glad to pay for the postage.

Denise L said...

I think you have great taste in fabric and would definitely love to win some of your scraps. Thanks for the chance! Denise

Chris said...

I'd love some for my Farmer's Wife quilt most likely...

Browndirtcottage said...

I soooooo know what you mean, I went into the grocery store for 1 can of cream of chicken soup and came out with 102.31 worth of groceries!! HA!

And I sooooo love to get other peoples 'stuff'. There is just something about other peoples 'stuff'! Sooooo, your slightly dog haired scrap 'stuff' would work in perfectly with MY slightly dog haired scrap 'stuff'! So, pick me...ok????

p.s. yes, you are in my follower list!

Jeanine said...

Oooooh! I could totally use some scraps.

MaryKathryn said...

I have just started quilting and love it. I have only made lap quilts, but I am going on to bigger things (I hope). I have broken my back twice and I'm on disability, so don;t have much money for material.
I would be so interested, Melanie. I have followed your posts and you do beautiful are my mentor :)
Thank you for doing such a wonderful thing for fellow quilters.I would definitely be interested,....MaryKathryn

quiltermom2 said...

Ohh I could use scraps to start my fabric stash! Haha I need them! LOL like I need a hole in my head... but I really NEED them! Happy sorting... and sorry about your bad day! We have to have bad days every now and again to make us appreciate the good ones! ;)

Christina said...

Target really is dangerous, isn't it? I think it's because they have everything! You can easily walk in to buy a birthday card and come out with a new outfit to wear to the birthday party, shoes and all!

Looks like I'm not the only one that would love to give your scraps a new home. :) My number of hexies isn't growing very fast, probably because I spend all my money at Target.

The Fam said...

Darn it my comment just erased! Love your scraps !!!

Mrs.Fitz said...

I'm new to quilting and I would love some scraps to start my own scrap stash!

Anonymous said...

I'll take any scraps and stray blocks. Anything I don't use, my daughter uses. We L-O-V-E scraps!

Kiley said...

I would love some scraps! I'm trying to build a scrap stash for a someday scrappy quilt, but I am new to sewing so my stash building is going slow!

Ne-Ne said...

Melanie, you are an inspiration to me! I have learned so much from your blog. Your hexagon quilt-a-long is what gave me the quilting bug. :) I would love to be the lucky recipient of your scraps.

Bonnie said...

Scraps are GOOD. I would love to take some off of your hands. Yes, I always come out of Target or Wal-Mart with way too much other "stuff"!! Sometimes if I make a list (or put horse blinders on) I do much better...HA!!

V Jay said...

Melanie you really inspired me to get started on my mosaic hexagon quilt. I used the hexagon creator to make 1/2 inch hexs (like Albert Small) Now I REALLY NEED your scraps to get it done. I love your taste in color and pattern!! PLEASE!!!

Tracy said... are such a hoot! I call Target the $100 store. Especially if I start wandering through their seasonal areas - very dangerous! I'd be honored to take some scraps off your hands. I'm part of a scraps group called P'tits Bout - it's french for small pieces and we get together once a month to make quilts from our scraps to give away. Thanks for sharing!

merrily row said...

I would love the scraps. The cats would love the stray dog hairs. But I am in California. Does Texas consider that part of the good ol usa?

Lauren H said...

Melanie, I would love to sew using your scraps. Thanks for the chance to do so!

Stine said...

I'm a follower who loves scraps. If I do NOT grab a cart or a basket at Target...then I can only buy what fits in my arms!

Shannon said...

Oh thank you! I would love to win your scraps. Scraps are so much fun. I don't go to Target very often for the same reason you stated. I love their stuff and if it is on "sale" then that is even better. Maybe horse blinders will help. LOL!

Anonymous said...

Hey! I just so happen to be working on a new scrappy quilt. I would lovingly take in your scraps. I have a dog as well as 2 cats, so no worries here! (Oh, and I can work an iron, too!)
Thanks for the giveaway!!

Anonymous said...

I have several projects going using scraps! Would love the opportunity to use some of yours!!!

Anonymous said...

I would love your scraps. They look yummy!


Solidia said...

Oh, I would love more scraps!