This song from Schoolhouse Rock pops into my head sometimes when I hear the number three. When
Cristin at Sewthisismylife mentioned that I could get three blocks out of a set of 'Map of the States' templates, I immediately thought, "and that's a magic number!"
My daughter and I like to sing along...
A man and a woman had a little baby. Yes, they did. They had three-e-e in the family and that's a magic number. I pulled scraps to make three blocks.
The only other time I've used freezer paper was to make a quilt label. It's fun to work with. I think I'll still be able to use this set of blocks a couple more times before they won't iron on any longer.
Hearing the number three made me think of "Three is a Magic Number", which reminds me that there are three in my family, which made me think... placemats.
I used Essex Cotton/Linen blend for the background and Bamboo/Cotton batting. They washed up so soft and crinkly!
We used them tonight at dinner and just as I thought, Shea had to decide who got which color. We don't actually sit in a row like that though. I just thought it made for a better photo.