Saturday, August 30, 2008

Fetching Gloves

The first thing I've actually finished in months! Woo Hoo!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

New pink Wellies

My new pink Wellingtons arrived today.  Now I just need it to rain again!

Friday, August 15, 2008

Hershey's Store

We spent the morning at the Shedd Aquarium after which Shea had us
hunt down the Hershey's store.

We're going in.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Lake Michigan

We took a water taxi from the Field Museum back north to the Navy
Pier. The lake is really pretty; unlike any "lake" I've seen. The
water is a beautiful green blue color.

American Gothic

Shea takes in Grant Wood's 'American Gothic' at the Art Institute of

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Beautiful fireworks from the Navy Pier

The fireworks at the Navy Pier tonight were wonderful!
It started to rain afterward and we got drenched waiting
for the trolley, but it was worth it.

Dippin' Dots at the Navy Pier

Passing time waiting for the 9:30 fireworks.

American Girl Place

We've arrived and we are here until dinner. Shea had her photo made
with her doll and now we're passing some time until the show starts at
2:00. We have 5:30 dinner reservations. It's much busier today than
yesterday when we stopped by.

Starbucks anyone?

"I really need some coffee. ChaCha fixes it for me all the time."

Mark Di Suvero's Shang

Shea relaxes on a large swing constructed of I-beams in Millenium Park.

Another pic from Millennium Park

A better view of the big bean...

The Cloud Gate at Millennium Park

Shea in front of a giant reflective bean called the Cloud Gate. 

The park is beautiful...clean and green!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Michigan Avenue

We went walking up and down Michigan this evening after dinner. The
weather was wonderful! Michigan Ave. reminds me of 5th Ave. in New
York with one major exception, it's clean!

The Chicago River

The Chicago River at the Michigan Street Bridge.

Wow, that's a great lake!

Our first look at Lake Michigan. It's 75 degrees and cloudy in
Chicago. The flight was uneventful and that's a good thing.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Pink Birdy

I made a little pink bird using this Design*Sponge bird mobile pattern my s-i-l sent me.  I'd like to make the entire mobile, it would made a cute gift!