So, first things first back in Texas... January bee blocks need to hit the mailbox.
This one is for Brooke of apriltwoeighty.
This block is from the first issue of Fat Quarterly and it's the block for the new bee I was invited to join over at Flickr, Bee Hexed In. Brooke requested neutral colors with touches of turquoise and orange. I hope you like it, Brooke!
Next on the list, Mod Mosaic blocks for Elizabeth's month in the do. Good Stitches bee.
Elizabeth requested blocks in cool winter colors with plenty of gray. The finished quilt will be donated to the Wrap them in Love Foundation. Maybe Elizabeth will show us the finished quilt on her blog, OhFransson!, before she mails it off. BTW, these blocks are fun to make and I highly recommend giving them a try. The tutorial is available at OhFransson!
For some reason, arriving back in Texas yesterday where the sun was out and the weather was warmer has given my ever present gardening itch a tickle. Maybe it's because we visited the Mitchell Park Domes in Milwaukee where I saw pothos leaves as big as my head and some of the tiniest orchids I've ever imagined. Early this morning, I trimmed the dead growth on a few of the bargain perennials I managed to get in the ground before they went dormant, but it didn't calm my itch. I think I'm going to try starting some plants and herbs from seed this spring. Spring come quickly! I can't stand the wait!